About HCM Lifestyle

Photography by: Southern Exposure Photo Studio
Who we are
HCM Lifestyle is a website about Inspiring Stories, Ideas and Tips from everyday people. We, Heather and Madison, are the passionate Mother-Daughter team behind this website. We love helping people, giving back and hearing stories of inspiration. We thought the idea of having others share their stories, ideas and tips on one website could help so many. This way we would all have the ability to learn from each other.
Our Inspiration
With the loss of my brother, it was difficult to deal with the many emotions I was experiencing. I found a dark side I never knew I had. However through talking with others, reading inspiring quotes, books and real stories, I was able to understand some of my emotions, both good and bad. We want this website to inspire others, allowing you to look at life differently through other peoples stories.
It is truly our hope to Inspire Others to be the Become a Better Versions of themselves.
Why H-C-M?
People ask why HCM? It stands for Heather (Mother) Colberg (Last Name) Madison (Daughter)
We would love if you would share your inspiring story, inspiring recipes, inspiring quotes, inspiring book reviews, and anything else you feel would inspire others. Share your story here.
“The strength to appreciate and love the things that I have around me, the peace to accept what is thrown at me with grace and the wisdom to live life on life’s terms”
HCM Lifestyle
Connect with us:
Connect with Madison on LinkedIn
Connect with Heather on LinkedIn