3 Ways for Self Love & Compassion

3 Ways to Self Love & Compassion


3 Ways to Self Love & Compassion


You have the control of how the world sees you by how you see yourself. Are you full of compassion? Do you show yourself and others love?

Show yourself kindness, love and compassion. At the same time show others kindness, love and compassion. Compassion and love work like a snowball. When you show compassion and love, others will show you compassion and love.

It may be hard to remember at times the love we have for ourselves and others. We may find ourselves getting caught up when we are busy with life. However, life is busy but it is also loving and compassionate.

We have a choice of how much love and compassion we want to show ourselves and others. The choices we make have a profound effect on us.

3 ways to self love & compassion:
  1. Smile when you look in the mirror
  2. Thank your body everyday for all it does
  3. Remind yourself of something you are good at


3 Ways to Show Love and Compassion For Yourself

3 Ways to Self Love & Compassion


Love and Compassion with HCM Lifestyle

HCM Lifestyle is about fostering an inspiring environment. We want you to love yourself deeply. And love others just the same. After all, compassion and love make the world go round. Thank you for being part of the inspirational journey with HCM Lifestyle.

What do you do to practice self love and compassion? Email hcmlifestyle@gmail.com to share. HCM Lifestyle is also on Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter. Connect with us and be part of the inspirational journey every step of the way.

By: HCM Lifestyle’s Madison Colberg

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