You Are Awesome

You Are Awesome





Yes you are awesome. I hope you get told this each and everyday. Tell yourself you are amazing. Your talents, strengths, interests, tastes, smile, looks, voice-these are all unique to you. These are all what make you who you are.

I want to tell you that, I want you to tell yourself that, and I want you to tell this to those you care about.

Reminding ourselves everyday about what makes us special will make us happy. I know that when I am feeling down I remind myself that I am a strong and unique person. We all have talents and gifts that others do not have. So share your gifts! If it is baking you could bake for your neighbour. If it is music play for your family. Whatever you want to share do not be afraid. The world is waiting for your gift!



Tell HCM Lifestyle About You



HCM Lifestyle is about ‘Sharing inspiring stories and ideas from everyday people to help us all become a better version of ourselves.’ I am sharing how wonderful you are because you need to know this. 

Share your story of something awesome you have done or someone in your life who is awesome. Email

Be sure to keep up with the inspiration of HCM Lifestyle by joining us on Facebook, HCM Lifestyle, Instagram @hcmlifestlye, Tumblr and signing up for our monthly newsletter.

Thanks for being so great!




By: HCM Lifestyle’s Madison Colberg

Sharing is caring!

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