Why did you do this for me/us?

Why did you do this for me/us?

Life is funny sometimes. Each day possesses a different potential for either happiness, or sadness. We all seemingly have the ability to wake up each morning and dictate how we choose to live that day. Many of us have the opportunity to wake up with an empty mind and full heart while some others aren’t as fortunate. For some, the beginning of each day starts with self doubt, financial burdens on their minds, relationship problems, battling depression, and in some cases they begin each day more broken and lost than the last.

What separates the human race from many other beings, is the instilled ability to show compassion for our fellow man without due cause, and to willingly help a complete stranger without the expectations of recognition. I was lucky enough to be raised by a beautiful mother who cared for any person she came into contact with. Regardless of background, skeletons in the closet, demeanor or built up walls, she genuinely cared for the well being of each soul and made it part of her life’s journey to take away as much pain and suffering from as many people as she possibly could. Since my mothers passing several years ago, and as luck would have it, I inherited this quality and swore that I would keep the torch burning, to maintain her compassionate nature, to keep her spirit alive, and to continue what she started over half a century ago.

Over the past several years, I have been given the opportunity to work directly on countless occasions with less fortunate families, individuals down on their luck, and people who simply needed to believe that there is still a bright light waiting for them at the end of their currently dim lit tunnel. Some of my experiences involved month long fundraisers, community secret Santa projects, food drives, and everyday random acts of kindness. Some of these people  needed a hand financially at trying times, some needed a good meal for their family, some needed help with rent, one incredible family needed help with medical expenses, and some People genuinely needed nothing more than a non biased ear to listen and a hug. The lessons I have learned will forever stay with me and have helped build me into who I am today. Without seeing first hand what others were going through, and without submersing myself into their lives, I could have never got a true realization for how grateful I should be, how something so small can truly mean so much to a complete stranger, and just how much in common, we as human beings have it we only spend the time to listen to others. Human compassion and the ability to turn someone’s day around by simply holding a door for them, acknowledging somebody walking slowly with their heads down, or asking the person standing in line next to you how their day is holds no bounds and has the overwhelming potential to alter somebody’s life. Now I know this sounds like a hyperbole, however over the past several years, I have witnessed first hand hundreds, if not thousands of people’s faith in humanity restored by Simple kindness and compassion shown. The most common question I’ve encountered over the years has been:  “why are you doing this for me/us”? And each time, my answer has remained the same; “Because I have been where you are. I have felt alone, I’ve been financially crippled, I’ve gone hungry, I’ve battled depression, I’ve felt loss that broke my heart, and I’ve seen the ugly side of the world. It took the simple 3 words of a total stranger to open my eyes and to see  the beauty this world has to offer and the more people who I can share my story with, the more beautiful of a place this world will become. So to answer your question, as a wise man once told me, I do the things I do because “You’re worth it”.

We all have the opportunity and ability to impact somebody’s life each day. This decision should be one made of compassion,truth, acceptance, honesty, and of love. Life is full of difficult decisions but one of the most fulfilling and easiest ones you will ever make will be choosing to lend a hand to a fellow being who simply needs someone to notice them. It costs absolutely nothing to be a good person but the rewards you feel in your heart are unlike any feeling Words can describe.

In the words of my guardian angel, my hero, and my mother,

~I am continuing to learn and live my life in a manner that helps others walk along their life’s paths~

Jamie Worman

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